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3 Bulbs per package 

Fannie Munson Pink Fancy Leaf Caladium Bulbs produce plants with very large almost translucent hot pink leaves with dark rose veins. Some green netting depending on growing conditions.

  • Color: Pink
  • Growth Habit: Upright with large thin leaves.
  • Height: Tall
  • Sun Tolerance: Shade To Partial Sun
  • Suggested Uses: 4″ to 6″ pots or larger. Beautiful in shaded to partially shaded areas of landscape.

Fannie Munson is a pink Fancy Leaf caladium variety. These shade loving caladium bulbs or tubers are great for adding easy color to your late spring and summer plantings. Fannie Munson is considered tall in height (2-2.5 ft). Fannie Munson caladium bulbs are tropical foliage plants that are easy to grow in landscaping, pots and planters. Fannie Munson caladiums have very large, almost translucent, hot pink leaves with dark rose veins. Some of the leaves may have a thin green netting appearance, depending on the growing conditions. Fannie Munson is a customer favorite because of its extreme size and bright vivid color. They look beautiful behind short foliage or shorter caladium varieties of contrasting color. Caladium bulbs originated in the Amazon Basin, which is why they require and thrive in the warm summer day and night temperatures. Caladiums are from the Araceae family and mix well with other annuals, Hosta’s, ferns, and foliage.


Caladium Fancy Leaf Fannie Munson #1

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